Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Good Deeds 28-34

"Spell check and proof read before you send."

I have been emailing a lot of non-profits about volunteer opportunities. For companies that are asking for free labor and time, non-profits are quite intimidating! They ask for credentials, work resumes, volunteer resumes, references, etc. So believe me. I have been spell checking, proof reading, crossing my T's and dotting my I's before sending applications out. All I want to do is good in this world, but I need to get past the gatekeepers first! In the past week I am happy to announce that I have been able to sign up for 5 more volunteer days through San Francisco Performances and Jumpstart. I am very excited!

"Share some good news."

My friend A- is a writer for Xaxii, an online fashion magazine. She posted on Facebook that they were looking for new writers, so I contacted her about a part time writing position. She set up an interview for me with her boss, and I shared the good news with my coworker L- and TBF. I had the interview already and am happy to announce that they are taking me on!

"Tip your barista."

I went to Peet's Coffee & Tea. It was a beautiful morning, I was in a beautiful mood, and I tipped my barista after she made me a beautiful large cup of green tea. Unsweetened and beautiful!

"Take a deep breath. Now take two more. Repeat."

I've been really wearing myself thin between work, weekend events, stresses associated with family and friends, etc. so one evening last week I literally sat on the couch and did nothing but eat and watch T.V. I can't confirm that I necessarily felt accomplished or extra relaxed afterward, but it was nice to take a breather and force myself to be "in the now". Ironically, the movie I watched was The Family Man featuring Nicholas Cage - all about how one's career shouldn't come before family and happiness.

"Strike up a conversation with the person working the cash register."

One of my coworkers, P-, is having a baby! So, on the way to work, I stopped at The Nugget to buy tea and a congratulatory card. At the register, I couldn't hold in my bubbling excitement, so of course I shared the good news. Everyone loves to hear about babies, right?

"Add money to an expired meter."

Last Saturday, TBF and I participated in the 15th Annual Sacramento Museum Day. I love Museum Day because the majority of museums are free or discounted and it's a great way to get together with friends and family and get immersed in science, art, history, and animals! We ended up going to The Crocker Art Museum and The California Museum, which were both phenomenal. The Crocker Art Museum has three floors of amazing artwork, but the California Museum was the  best part of the day.  We had the pleasure of being guided through an exhibit on WWII Japanese Internment Camps by a gentleman named M- who had actually lived through the experience. M- was in 8th grade, just about to graduate and embark on the adventure that is high school, when one day he stepped outside to find a flyer on the wall stating that he, along with his family and every other Japanese American family in the area, was to be deported to an internment camp. He was sent to the largest internment camp, Tule Lake, which had around 18,000 people at the height of its population. M- described the departure for internment camp - how pets were left with heaping bowls of food and water to fend for themselves. He described the interment camp conditions - temperature, education, art. And he described relocation and the eventual presidential apologies, as well. If you have time, I highly recommend going to the California Museum and walking through the exhibit with him!

Back to my good deed of the day... Parking, as you can imagine, was absolutely hectic on Museum Day, but we were lucky enough to find prime spots about a block away from each museum. On the way back to our car, I noticed the car next to us only had 2 minutes remaining on its meter. A lot of the folks at Museum day have strollers and kids, so I threw in some change buying them time to get back to their parking-ticket-free car.

"Look and listen."

Superbowl Sunday was a sad, sad day for 49er fans. Luckily, I'm only a bandwagoner. However, I did my part in watching the game and listening to the commentary, etc. Dedicating my whole afternoon to football was my good deed of the day. We had a group of 10 (or was it more?) over to watch the game, so the fabulous company and the huge amounts of food helped, of course!

Good-willed Shawna

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