Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/29/13 I Bought Something

I bought a pack of nylons and I feel so incredibly guilty, even though I knew in advance while writing the rules for this challenge that I would need to buy some eventually since I always tear holes in the godforsaken things. I only spent $4 and some change, but I still feel horrible about it!

For those of you who are just tuning in, for the entire year of 2013 my goal is to not buy any material objects (within reason) instead dedicating that time, energy, and money to doing a good deed per day and experiencing new and exciting adventures.

Willpower and Window Shopping 2013 Rules:

1. For an entire year I will not purchase a single thing that I do not need. This means that I will not buy a shirt or a dress or a jacket or a scarf or a pair of jeans or a sweater or a bag or a pair of gloves or a piece of jewelry or a pair of shoes or a swimsuit or a hat or socks (maybe) or even underwear (maybe). The only two items that I actually may need are pantyhose, because I always rip holes in them, and business attire - since, really, when is the last time I wore or purchased business attire. If I attend a very special occasion that may require a new outfit, purchasing may also be admitted.
The rest of the rules can be read at the original post, here.

Unnecessarily Guilty Shawna

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Good Deeds 24-27

"Put a little cash in your savings account."

After my first paycheck of the new year with no shopping, I had some extra funds left over in pocket money category, so I put an extra $100 in my savings. The plan is working!

"Find two days this year when you can donate your time."

TBF and I signed up for Rebuilding Together Sacramento. There are two building days, one in April and one in September. I encourage everyone to sign up and volunteer with us!

"Plant flowers where someone else will enjoy them."

On Saturday TBF and I volunteered at Muir Woods Earth Day 2013. As part of a team of 11, we planted over 900 plants in an area near the visitor's center. It took us about 3 hours on our knees with gloves and pick-axes, but it felt so rewarding to know that in a couple years that area will be all green due to us.

"Stop and pet a dog and say hello to the owner."

Today TBF and I met up with my friend H- who was in town from D.C. for the weekend for a wedding. We went to afternoon tea in The Mission, and there were two girls with an incredibly soft and fuzzy looking lab puppy so on our way out we stopped to pet him and chat with the girls for a couple seconds. So nice!

Volunteer Shawna

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

So Many Good Deeds! Week 17-23

I am so sorry for slacking on writing about my good deeds for the last week. Between being sick, the long MLK weekend which was filled with The Monterey Jazz Festival On Tour in Berkeley (which was phenomenal!), the 49ers and Sharks games, and ABC Family's Disney movie weekend, then President Obama's Inauguration, celebrating 4 months with TBF, writing an article to get a side job as a fashion blogger for Xaxii, etc. - things have been really hectic on my end and I have struggled to find time to sit in front of my laptop and write. But here are last week's good deeds, numbers 17-23, for all of you who have been anxiously awaiting them. Don't worry, I hadn't given up on my resolution so soon!

"Leave a treat on your coworker's desk."

I overheard a coworker, J-, asking around to see if coworkers had candy because she was craving something sweet. I slipped by her desk a little later and left a Lindor chocolate truffle on her desk when she was on the phone and not looking.

"Set the road rage aside, and let someone else merge."

I tend to have pretty bad road rage, so this was a big one for me. While in bumper to bumper traffic on the Bay Bridge during rush hour on a Friday, on my way to my sweetheart, I let a car in the lane to my right merge in front of me. They had had their blinker on for quite some time, so I was feeling extra empathetic I suppose.

"Watch the movie that your significant other wants to watch."

TBF wanted to watch The Black Swan, so we watched The Black Swan. I have always been mildly interested in the movie since it was so highly acclaimed when it first came out, but it was just too weird and creepy and dark for my liking. I'm a strong proponent of the idea that horror and dark movies are bad for the soul!

"Be quick to apologize."

I was very grumpy with TBF on Sunday but after being grumpy for about half an hour I realized that I was being stupid and quickly apologized. It saved our day!

"Put a love note in a loved one's lunch."

In order to be extra sneaky, I actually slipped TBF's lunch note into his wallet, assuming he would buy lunch. He loved it, and added it to his little pile of notes at work.

"Don't take offense."

I wore these absolutely gorgeous, brand new PLV dusky rose suede heels to work. Along with many compliments, I had one coworker, A-, look at them, laugh, and say, "Those are some funny shoes!" Instead of taking offense, I gritted my teeth, bit my tongue, and laughed along. How are those beauties even close to being funny!

"Be on time all day today."

Since TBF had to leave at 5:15 A.M. for the city, suffice to say I was up and at 'em and on time all day!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Good Deeds 15 & 16

"Make an effort to mend a rift in a friendship."

One of my biggest regrets since graduating college is the deterioration of one of my best friendships. I met R- on move-in day at the dorms. Bounding into my dorm suite, I eagerly introduced myself, "Hi! I'm Shawna!" only to have R- respond, "Hi! I don't think you live here!" I was mortified but R-'s outgoing personality and laugh, and my complete and utter enthusiasm for all of college's firsts, let the moment pass quickly. We went to our first welcome week party together that night and we were inseparable from that moment on.

R- and I are similar in so many ways. Our parents are married with two kids, and R- and I are the older daughters. We were both International Relations majors with dreams of traveling and a love for packed social agendas. R- and I took classes together. In between classes, we gossiped over coffee and CoHo food. We went to parties and fraternity cocktails together. We participated in similar sports; R- was a rower on the women's crew team and I was a coxswain on the men's crew team. We went to Aggie pack events together, pulled all nighters together, did Picnic Day and Whole Earth Festival together. Everything was together. We were two peas in a pod, connected at the hip. In fact, it almost seemed like things went wrong on the rare occasions when we were apart.

When I had a 105 degree fever freshman year of college, R- drove me to the hospital and stayed with me in the emergency room. When I went through an incredibly difficult break-up, R- was there for me, crawling into my bed with ice cream and chick flicks. In return,  I was her translator when she had one too many adult beverages and wanted to speak in fluent Spanish - even though I had never studied the language - because as her best friend I could naturally read her mind. I was her partner in crime, her conscience at times, and her unwavering support. R- and I were best friends for years. I anticipated R- would be a key player in my life, from being at my wedding to my baby shower to my retirement party.

Unfortunately we grew apart toward the end of college. R- went abroad to England - and I was so happy for her. She was thriving in the international scene, drawing, working, experiencing life and pursuing happiness. I was able to visit her over Thanksgiving before I started my full-time post-graduation job, and she was in her element. Once the funds ran out, though, she had to return home and she experienced heavy reverse culture shock. Struggling with her job search, family, honestly struggling with things I was unaware of that R- didn't share with me, R- seemed to turn inward. She seemed to lose her drive, her spark, and she resorted to unhealthy coping mechanisms that ultimately led to a rift in our friendship. I was so worried about R- that it was taking a toll on my mental stability and I had to distance myself for my own sake. I tried to talk with her first, but she was unwilling to discuss whatever was bothering her or unable to confront her demons. To this day I don't know exactly what she was having to deal with. I still wish I knew. Maybe I wasn't persistent or pushy enough.

R-, if you are reading this, I'm sorry I didn't push you to share what was going on. I should have found a way to do more and be there for you more and I sincerely apologize. I hope you can forgive me.

Since then, R- has gone back abroad and I am sure she is thriving once again. I wish her all the best, but I also wish we were still as close as we once were. We were not speaking for several months, but have begun to speak again infrequently, and I hope our friendship is on the mend.

"Play hooky."

I'm sick so I don't know if it really counts as playing hooky - but today I stayed home from work. I watched numerous episodes of Alias - remember that show? - and spent a lot of time cuddling my cat. I wish I had a little more energy to clean my room and run errands, but I gassed up my car and that always seems to be a horrendous feat, so I'll call it a good day.

Sick Shawna

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1/15/13 Shopping Urges

I'm officially halfway through my first month of abstaining from the ubiquitous consumer culture of California. I almost had a meltdown this morning and bought a pair of fabulous woven leather wedges, but I convinced myself that I didn't need them and - anyway, it's way too cold to want to spend money on wedges of all things. I've quickly learned that my coping mechanisms have become avoiding, acknowledging, excusing, and ultimately dismissing. Let me explain:

1. Avoiding - I have changed my habits from frequenting stores and online shopping websites to avoiding them outright. This drastically decreased my desire to purchase items. Out of sight, out of mind.

2. Acknowledging - Every once in a while, though, I am unable to refrain from visiting these tempting shopping sites. When this happens, I consciously acknowledge my consumerist appetites and weaknesses.

3. Excusing - I then look at whatever item I crave and make excuses. It's too big, too small, won't look good on me, wouldn't last long, isn't in season, isn't in the perfect color, I have something like it in my closet already, etc.

4. Dismissing - I dismiss the object, exit the store or website window, give myself a pat on the back, and go along my way.

It's been a little over two weeks and I have used this method quite effectively. I don't know how long it will be enough, though. My hunger for items grows by the day (not to be melodramatic). I think I may need to find a better solution soon.

Recovering Shawna

Monday, January 14, 2013

Good Deeds 12, 13, & 14

"Compliment someone's new haircut."

On Saturday evening after watching the football games (Go 49ers!) TBF and I went to my friends N- and C-'s house in Sacramento for N-'s birthday party. C- cut her hair while she was in Miami over the holidays, and it looks fabulous! A bob with straight bangs - so modern and sophisticated! I couldn't stop complimenting her.

"Tuck your sweetheart in."

TBF wasn't feeling well over the weekend, so Sunday night I made sure his shoulders were covered while we watched movies in bed. He then got me sick.

"Don't eat meat today."

I actually try consciously not to eat a lot of meat, particularly red meat. Part of it is connected to health, most of it is connected to my love of animals. I have never had veal and I never plan on having it. I cave every once in a while, because I love steak and bacon, but for the most part I try to be good. That being said, I do eat fish and chicken. Today, I went completely meatless. Bagel for breakfast, bread and vegan dip for lunch, tea drinks, and dinner is TBD - a salad?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Good Deed 11

"Send a handwritten thank you note."

My friend L- brightened my morning by surprising me with this thoughtful gift at work. It is the perfect end to my rough week! L- made me a bookmark (flower print, naturally) to keep my place in  this book about Random Acts of Kindness she lent me. I look forward to reading it and sharing favorite stories and quotes. What a great inspiration! Naturally I had to send a handwritten thank you note. Such thoughtfulness requires much more than an email!

Happy Shawna

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Good Deed 10

"Write a list of things you are grateful for."

My good deed of the day was supposed to be paying the bridge toll for the person behind me on my way from SF to Davis this morning. However, yesterday afternoon on my way to see TBF I got into a car accident. Now I need to save all of my good deeds that involve money for later on in the year after I have paid for all of my car repairs. Sigh. Things really haven't been going right for me this week, but I am determined to keep doing my good deeds. I figured instead of the bridge toll, it was time to try to focus on the bright side of things with this list:
I am thankful for TBF who did everything he could to make me feel better in the middle of the night when I was so upset that I couldn’t sleep. He is the nicest, sweetest, most loving, most genuine man and I can’t express how much I appreciate and love him.

I am thankful for burning hot showers on cold days.

I am thankful that my jeans fit this morning.

I am thankful my car still runs, and that when I am sitting in it I can almost forget how wrecked it is on the outside.

I am thankful B- is our insurance person and that he has been since I was a kid. And that yesterday when I called him upset about the car accident, after making sure I was okay and telling me to email him the details when I was safely at home he said, “I’ll call your parents after I get off the phone with you. I know how they can be sometimes.”

I am thankful my parents seem to be somewhat calm about the accident.

I am thankful I have a job.

I am thankful for my boss, S-, who almost always comes to work with a cheerful attitude that lifts my spirits.

I am thankful that my accident was not like the one in Vallejo this morning, where a truck fell off an overpass onto the freeway below and burst into flames.

I am thankful I have enough money to pay off my driving ticket after payday today.

I am thankful that in 15 days I will have another payday that will go toward fixing my car.

I am thankful it is a blue sky kind of day.

I am thankful I am not injured.

I am thankful for pomegranates, my favorite fruit.

I am thankful for all natural, not-tested-on-animals lip gloss and lotion.

I am thankful for my sister, and for the female comedian last night who reminded me of my sister.

I am thankful for my cheery, bright orange purse.

I am thankful that no matter how awful I feel today I’m still able to come up with a long list of things to be thankful for. And that I still had it in me to do a good deed for the day.

I am thankful that the flower-print pants and jeans I ordered came today – perfect timing for a pick-me-up.

I am thankful for my amazing, caring friends who find the time to keep in touch despite time zones and distances.

I am thankful for R- at Bernard's in Davis, who advised me on where to go to get the beginning work on my car done.

I am thankful my family and friends are healthy.

I am thankful that I get to go home and cuddle Admiral Snuggles.  

Sad Shawna

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Good Deed 9

"Return a long-overdue phone call."

This morning I called my friend A- who I have poorly neglected for quite some time. I am absolutely awful at listening to my voice mails and calling people back, so I had one sitting in my inbox from A- since last year! And, as irony would have it, when I called her this morning to see if she would like to get together this weekend, I got her voice mail... We will see if she forgives me for ignoring her and if she will ever call me back. Oops. Better late than never...

Voicemail-Neglecting Shawna

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Good Deed 8

"Compliment someone over seventy."

It hasn't been the best of days, so it took more effort than usual to do my daily good deed. However, I was amazed to realize just how much better I felt after doing something as little as going out of my way to compliment someone else. While at the post office this afternoon, I spotted an elderly woman wearing very fetching horn-rimmed glasses. I gave her a tentative smile, she gave me one back, and I complimented her. Her wide grin and "Why, thank you!" made my day, along with the email I received from a coworker who thanked me for yesterday's Ghirardelli sweets. S- wrote: "You made me remember a fellow I worked with back [in the day]. Every Monday he left a rose from his garden on each lady's desk. Made Mondays much nicer." What a wonderful memory and compliment.

My good friend, H-, who just completed her #26acts wrote that she has become "totally hooked on the good deeds movement" because as opportunities to perform acts of kindness arose, she discovered more and more "channels of goodness" in operation. "As I got more and more attuned to the sphere of serendipitous do-gooders that exists and is no doubt infinite, I experienced a kick alarmingly similar to that of endorphins."

Dear H-, I couldn't describe it any better myself. The more I reach out to touch the lives of others, the more I volunteer, and the more I help, the more I recognize others doing the same. I have become aware of a worldwide web of kindred spirits who live to do good, and I get a total kick out of it. Endorphins are said to be not only uplifting, but addictive, and I have hopped onto the good deeds movement for good!

Uplifted Shawna

1/8/13 Shopaholism & Strippers

I've realized quite quickly I only get the urge to buy something when I feel unhappy. Since the beginning of the year I've felt unhappy twice and both times I have found myself, almost unconsciously, browsing my favorite shopping websites look for a pick-me-up. This morning I have been downright morose and I have already almost bought an Elie Tahari blouse. I talked myself out of it, but the window is still open in tab of my browser as I type.

I need to feel happier if I am to stop shopping altogether, or I need to find a better way to pick myself up.

In case you are dying of curiosity, the big weight on my shoulders this morning is whether or not I should attend my friend, N-'s, birthday party - at a female strip club. As a feminist do I want to financially support such a distasteful occupation by paying a cover fee and buying drinks at a strip club establishment? No. Do I appreciate the fact that women sell their sexuality to male audiences for large sums of money, perpetuating society's fascination with the sexual objectification of women? Definitely not. Do I want to rub shoulders with men who have girlfriends and wives sitting at home while they get eye candy pleasure elsewhere? Gag me. But should I make assumptions about strip clubs without ever having been to one in order to make my own conclusion? Probably not. Would a young straight female attending a female strip club challenge the concepts of male dominance and female subordination in such environments? Sure. So it seems like I should go.

But then the question arises: Should I bring TBF? Given the fact that he has been to one before and enjoyed himself immensely, my answer is a resounding "NO! That won't make me feel good!" But part of me whispers: "Maybe I should bring him along and consider it a trust-building exercise, since I have such horrible trust in men due to past experiences." And then the other part of me shouts, "But no man is a gentleman around a stripper!" And the other part whispers back, "Maybe he will be the exception." And the other part screams: "Man is a man is a man is a man." (Comme Gertrude Stein's famous quotation.) And "Your money will go to the strippers in exchange for a glimpse of the sexual objectification misogynists love; TBF's already gotten a glimpse of it. His money and presence would be supporting, not challenging the establishment." And back and forth and back again the internal dialogue continues.

And all I want to do is buy that Tahari blouse to make myself feel better (or the Michael Kors bag below - how cute!) because I'm utterly befuddled and shopping is one thing that is always so straight-forward and reliable.

But I'm being good... Ugh.

Stripper-wary Shawna

Monday, January 7, 2013

Good Deeds 5, 6, & 7

For those of you just tuning in, my goal is to not shop for the entire year - instead spending that time, money, and energy doing a good deed per day. The first 26 of these good deeds are dedicated to the #26acts movement started by Ann Curray.

"Smile at a stranger."

TBF and I planned on volunteering at Pier 94 doing wetlands restoration on Saturday morning. However, we got a little lost and arrived about 10 minutes late due to all of our helter-skelter U-turning. Unable to find anyone who could check us in or give us directions, we went on a walk around Heron's Head Park instead, enjoying the beautiful morning - and picking up trash along the way.

We ran across several folks out for walks with their pets, and along with picking up the trash my good deed of the day was smiling and strangers and making small talk. There was a woman with a little dog named King Solomon who was indignantly barking out orders from his blue and yellow striped sweater, and a darling German Shepherd puppy with ears bigger and fluffier than his whole body combined. Too cute.

"Kiss the chef."

Sunday, TBF and I went to see The Lion King at the Orpheum Theatre. We went to Ghirardelli Square for dessert afterward, then went home and made dinner. I kissed the chef quite thoroughly!

"Deliver something small and sweet to everyone on your team - midafternoon, just when everyone's energy wanes."

This morning on my drive from San Francisco to Davis, I used my last $10 to pay the bridge toll for myself and the person behind me. I figure I was rewarded with this beautiful sunrise.

But because it's a Monday, and Mondays need extra TLC, I am doing another good deed - delivering something small and sweet to everyone on my team - namely, chocolates from our trip to Ghirardelli Square yesterday!

Sweet-toothed Shawna

Friday, January 4, 2013

1/4/13 My Credit Card Arrived!

As you know, I was debating on whether or not to give myself extra days to shop in the New Year because I had to cancel my credit card due to fraudulent charges around Christmas. Instead of doing that, which I thought would be too lenient , I decided to give myself just today, since I activated the card this morning and I wanted to, you know, test it to make sure it worked properly. It was very tempting to just go crazy and buy a ton of things, but I behaved...

Francesca's Collection is having a huge sale on sale, where all sale merchandise is an additional 50% off through 1/7/13, so I bought a couple pairs of flower print pants for around $30 including shipping. You can never have too much flower print!

Flower Bomb Jeans

Shopaholic Shawna

Good Deed 4

"Forgive someone for a minor resentment that has been bothering you."

 Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. One of my good friends, A-, had this posted as her Facebook status this morning, and it made me think about all of the angst I hold inside because I can't seem to forgive and forget. Today's good deed was to acknowledge reasons why I have been upset and forgive people for resentments that have been bothering me. Obviously I don't want to air out all of my angst publicly, but I'll share that I am forgiving several people for being short, rude, unappreciative, unloving, ignorant, grumpy, thoughtless, and human. Just by making the mental effort, I feel better already.

Forgiving Shawna

P.S. Yesterday I also donated 32 books to Chapters Change Children. It's being run by the 6th graders of three schools in Davis in conjunction with the Rotary Club. The kids are collecting books (for all ages) and then fundraising with the help of the Rotary Club to ship the books to Africa.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Good Deeds 2 & 3

"Smile when you talk on the phone - it makes your voice friendly."

Dad has always said to force a smile when you are upset because smiling convinces your brain that it is in fact happy. Essentially by faking a smile you can effectively and truthfully lift your mood. Dad has also always said that if you smile while speaking on the phone, you sound more pleasant, energized, helpful, and so on. I'm not one to take my Dad's advice blindly (much to his dismay) so I went ahead and did a little cursory research on smiling while on the telephone before doing this activity.

Apparently Dad is right.

Craig Harrison of Expressions of Excellence claims: "Even though their smile isn't seen by listeners, it is felt. When we smile it loosens up our jaws and relaxes us. This is then conveyed through our voice. We sound more relaxed, friendly and open because we are. The act of smiling activates certain muscles in our face and neck and actually alters our disposition for the better."

Dummies.com states: " The reason is not psychological but rather physiological. When you smile, the soft palate at the back of your mouth raises and makes the sound waves more fluid. For those of you who sing in a choir (or in the shower), you know that the wider you open your mouth and the more teeth you show, the better tone you get."

I don't know if showing more teeth necessarily means better tone, but there were enough similar views on smiling and pleasant telephone demeanor that I have been convinced it makes a difference. Since my current position involves heavy telephone communication, on 1/2/13 I attempted to smile every time I answered the phone. I also tried to be extra friendly, even though it was the first official day back from holiday vacation for everyone and it would have been much easier to be grumpy. I have to admit smiling more made me feel more cheerful!

"Learn your local barista's name - and use it."

Photo: Up close and personal with my breakfast

I don't get coffee often, but I do grab breakfast for the office quite a bit. So, today while at Panera Bread grabbing Thursday morning breakfast, I met K-. She is the Zone Manager at the front and helped ring up all of the raisin breads, muffies, cinnamon rolls, scones, bear claws, chocolate croissants, and other assorted pastries with a beautiful mood! It's always nice to address someone by name. It makes the interaction more personal and makes the "Have a good day!" that much more meaningful.

Smiling Shawna

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1/2/13 I Went Shopping...

in my little sister's closet! S- went through her clothes over the weekend and is getting rid of a huge bag of clothes, shoes, and bags. Waste not, want not, though. Before bringing them to the SPCA to donate, I went through them and scored some steals. Some of the highlights were the brand new sweater with tags still attached from Forever 21, brand new BCBG leggings and brand new Romeo and Juliet Couture dress.

I wasn't strongly tempted to purchase anything today. Two days down, 363 to go!

Sister Shawna

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good Deed 1

"Tell your Dad your favorite memory of him."

I have so many vivid memories of my Dad. The earliest is of him rocking me to sleep in his arms, singing in Turkish while pacing back and forth in the yellow-gold lighting of our living room. Yildizlarin altinda... I remember talking to him over the telephone (back when home telephones were still connected to the wall with curlicue wires) when he would be overseas on business trips. My Mom would ask me to sing for him before getting off of the phone, and I remember singing Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You. I remember kicking pine cones on early mornings with Dad before he would drop me off to grade school. I remember when he and Mom gave me a doll I had wanted for the longest time - a very pretty Native American doll with moccasins and a headband that I named Clover Eagle. I remember when my classroom went on a sailing trip in fourth grade and Dad was the only parent who planned ahead for seasickness by packing crackers. I think they were Ritz crackers. I remember thinking Dad was so annoying in sixth (?) grade when we went to Ano Nuevo to see the elephant seals because he had insisted I bring the ugliest poncho with me in case the weather turned bad - and I remember thinking how cool he was for being so thoughtful as to bring an extra poncho and extra umbrellas when all of my friends who had no shelter from the pouring rain were huddled thankfully in our extras. I remember not having my state project finished on time, and how much Dad yelled at me - while he stayed awake with me all night and helped me as much as he could while I finished it the night before it was due. As I grew older and went into high school and then college, my memories of Dad are more focused on boyfriends - how I hated that he never liked the ones I had - and later, how I understood why he didn't like them, and how loving he was while I went through heartbreaks and break ups. How wise my Dad is. How Dad chased after the gypsy girls who pick-pocketed my wallet out of my bag on a train in Italy, and got it back by showing them the "Angry Turk" they didn't want to mess with. How brave and ethical he is.

I have so many more memories, but those were the first that came to mind. Dad, I love you!

Reminiscent Shawna

1/1/13 Fresh Start


I hope 2013 brings peace, love, clarity, success, happiness, good health, joy, and excitement to us all.

As you can imagine, I woke up very, very early on the morning of the 31st hyperventilating. I was so anxious and stressed about not buying a single material object for an entire year that I literally felt physically ill. My heart was pounding, my hands were sweating, and my mind was racing with thoughts of what I might need to buy before the New Year. It sounds so silly and I feel shallow for admitting it. But really, I think that not buying a single material object for an entire year would be a challenge for anyone.

TBF was very understanding and has been somewhat teasing but very supportive of my NYE challenge - so he took me shopping on the last day of 2012 so I could frontload some of the items I might feel tempted to buy in the near future. Lingerie, a BCBG dress and jumper, jewelry, jeans (a pair of 7 For All Mankind's and a pair of Hudson's), books, DVDs... I think I should be able to hold out until March.

Before you wonder why I just said March and not December, I should explain my strategy for making it through the year. I anticipate being able to hold out until March without buying anything. And that's my birthday month so hopefully I'll get my material item fix from birthday gifts. I then have another 9 months without shopping, but with 2 free passes I'll most likely end up using one in the summer time, maybe June or July, and then another in the winter - probably when I am Christmas shopping for others because that always is a time of weakness. My main goal is to stay away from online shopping, stores in general, and to stay so busy and occupied that I don't even have time to think about money let alone shopping.

Halfway through January 1st and I am happy to announce that I am holding out strong against all of the NYE sales. I am also happy to announce that this is the first day of my Year of Good Deeds. As a way to stay busy and occupied, in order to move from thoughts about consumerism and selfishness to thoughts of generosity and helping others, and in order to keep this blog from turning into a whine-fest, I decided to buy the One Good Deed A Day Journal. I hope to give a short update on the status of my willpower and window shopping, then focus the rest of my day on my Good Deed, which will be in a separate post.

My friend H- who started her blog, is dedicating her first week to #26acts. I am so glad that she wrote about this great act, started by NBC correpsondent Ann Curray. The concept is that the world would be a happier and better place if everyone did kind acts for others, and Curray called for individuals to do #26acts in honor of the Newtown shooting victims. I will be dedicatinig my first 26 acts to those victims, and this great idea.

Shopaholic Shawna

P.S. TBF and I went on our Hornblower dinner dance cruise on Saturday. It was such a wonderful time! The food was pretty good, the wine was fabulous, but the best part was being able to dance the night away and watch the twinkling city lights from the Sacramento River.

P.P.S. Yesterday, we celebrated NYE with dinner at Le Charm and then a party at the S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien. There were three dance floors (two in heated tents on deck, one below), multiple open bars, two DJs, and a beautiful view of the city, the bay, and the fireworks. It was such a memorable way to ring in the New Year! I wore a Rubber Ducky sequin dress, with Pour La Victoire purple suede pumps and a Noir Jewelry double knuckle cocktail ring. Love! Oh, also, TBF and I were interviewed while we were buying our NYE apparel - here is the news clip!