Monday, January 7, 2013

Good Deeds 5, 6, & 7

For those of you just tuning in, my goal is to not shop for the entire year - instead spending that time, money, and energy doing a good deed per day. The first 26 of these good deeds are dedicated to the #26acts movement started by Ann Curray.

"Smile at a stranger."

TBF and I planned on volunteering at Pier 94 doing wetlands restoration on Saturday morning. However, we got a little lost and arrived about 10 minutes late due to all of our helter-skelter U-turning. Unable to find anyone who could check us in or give us directions, we went on a walk around Heron's Head Park instead, enjoying the beautiful morning - and picking up trash along the way.

We ran across several folks out for walks with their pets, and along with picking up the trash my good deed of the day was smiling and strangers and making small talk. There was a woman with a little dog named King Solomon who was indignantly barking out orders from his blue and yellow striped sweater, and a darling German Shepherd puppy with ears bigger and fluffier than his whole body combined. Too cute.

"Kiss the chef."

Sunday, TBF and I went to see The Lion King at the Orpheum Theatre. We went to Ghirardelli Square for dessert afterward, then went home and made dinner. I kissed the chef quite thoroughly!

"Deliver something small and sweet to everyone on your team - midafternoon, just when everyone's energy wanes."

This morning on my drive from San Francisco to Davis, I used my last $10 to pay the bridge toll for myself and the person behind me. I figure I was rewarded with this beautiful sunrise.

But because it's a Monday, and Mondays need extra TLC, I am doing another good deed - delivering something small and sweet to everyone on my team - namely, chocolates from our trip to Ghirardelli Square yesterday!

Sweet-toothed Shawna

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