Thursday, January 10, 2013

Good Deed 10

"Write a list of things you are grateful for."

My good deed of the day was supposed to be paying the bridge toll for the person behind me on my way from SF to Davis this morning. However, yesterday afternoon on my way to see TBF I got into a car accident. Now I need to save all of my good deeds that involve money for later on in the year after I have paid for all of my car repairs. Sigh. Things really haven't been going right for me this week, but I am determined to keep doing my good deeds. I figured instead of the bridge toll, it was time to try to focus on the bright side of things with this list:
I am thankful for TBF who did everything he could to make me feel better in the middle of the night when I was so upset that I couldn’t sleep. He is the nicest, sweetest, most loving, most genuine man and I can’t express how much I appreciate and love him.

I am thankful for burning hot showers on cold days.

I am thankful that my jeans fit this morning.

I am thankful my car still runs, and that when I am sitting in it I can almost forget how wrecked it is on the outside.

I am thankful B- is our insurance person and that he has been since I was a kid. And that yesterday when I called him upset about the car accident, after making sure I was okay and telling me to email him the details when I was safely at home he said, “I’ll call your parents after I get off the phone with you. I know how they can be sometimes.”

I am thankful my parents seem to be somewhat calm about the accident.

I am thankful I have a job.

I am thankful for my boss, S-, who almost always comes to work with a cheerful attitude that lifts my spirits.

I am thankful that my accident was not like the one in Vallejo this morning, where a truck fell off an overpass onto the freeway below and burst into flames.

I am thankful I have enough money to pay off my driving ticket after payday today.

I am thankful that in 15 days I will have another payday that will go toward fixing my car.

I am thankful it is a blue sky kind of day.

I am thankful I am not injured.

I am thankful for pomegranates, my favorite fruit.

I am thankful for all natural, not-tested-on-animals lip gloss and lotion.

I am thankful for my sister, and for the female comedian last night who reminded me of my sister.

I am thankful for my cheery, bright orange purse.

I am thankful that no matter how awful I feel today I’m still able to come up with a long list of things to be thankful for. And that I still had it in me to do a good deed for the day.

I am thankful that the flower-print pants and jeans I ordered came today – perfect timing for a pick-me-up.

I am thankful for my amazing, caring friends who find the time to keep in touch despite time zones and distances.

I am thankful for R- at Bernard's in Davis, who advised me on where to go to get the beginning work on my car done.

I am thankful my family and friends are healthy.

I am thankful that I get to go home and cuddle Admiral Snuggles.  

Sad Shawna

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