Friday, January 4, 2013

1/4/13 My Credit Card Arrived!

As you know, I was debating on whether or not to give myself extra days to shop in the New Year because I had to cancel my credit card due to fraudulent charges around Christmas. Instead of doing that, which I thought would be too lenient , I decided to give myself just today, since I activated the card this morning and I wanted to, you know, test it to make sure it worked properly. It was very tempting to just go crazy and buy a ton of things, but I behaved...

Francesca's Collection is having a huge sale on sale, where all sale merchandise is an additional 50% off through 1/7/13, so I bought a couple pairs of flower print pants for around $30 including shipping. You can never have too much flower print!

Flower Bomb Jeans

Shopaholic Shawna

1 comment:

  1. I DEFINITELY agree! Haha (:
    Shopping is my weakness and I get scolded so much for spending any last bit of money I have for any item I lay my eyes on (I would never be trusted with a credit card). The cream and rose colored floral skinnies are to die for! Francesca is the cutest boutique! I'm so glad they have one at the Americana in Glendale.
