Sunday, December 23, 2012

Willpower and Window Shopping 2013 Rules:

1. For an entire year I will not purchase a single thing that I do not need. This means that I will not buy a shirt or a dress or a jacket or a scarf or a pair of jeans or a sweater or a bag or a pair of gloves or a piece of jewelry or a pair of shoes or a swimsuit or a hat or socks (maybe) or even underwear (maybe). The only two items that I actually may need are pantyhose, because I always rip holes in them, and business attire - since, really, when is the last time I wore or purchased business attire. If I attend a very special occasion that may require a new outfit, purchasing may also be admitted.

2. I won't buy lip gloss or lipstick or foundation or eyeliner or mascara or lotion until every last cosmetic product in those categories and more has been used and/or tossed.

3. I won't buy CDs or DVDs. I will buy books but only after I have read all of the books I already own. (I just bought an armful of books at the SPCA Thrift Store yesterday - for 50 cents each! So excited to read them over the holidays.)

4. In fact, really, the only material items I am allowed to purchase will be necessary, such as cat food and litter for Admiral Snuggles and medicine and toiletries (God forbid I go without deodorant for an entire year) and gifts for others for special occasions and food/drinks (God forbid I go a year without buying a bottle of wine, too).

5. The majority of every paycheck is to go 50/50 toward savings and my credit card. Once my credit card is just about paid off, the majority of every paycheck is to go toward savings and whatever other investment I choose to open at that time.

6. Pocket money is only to be spent on experiences and events. Instead of buying items, my goal is to spend money on buying memories, such as concerts, dinners, festivals, wine tastings, traveling, etc.

7. I hereby grant myself TWO and only TWO shopping days to use under the most dire of circumstances. When there is a killer sale I cannot miss, or when there is an item I am absolutely dying to own, or if I have a monumental slip in willpower, I will use the shopping days. However, I am absolutely not allowed to take out any money from my savings or investments to shop. I must use only whatever pocket money I have on hand... Which may not be a lot, so I am also allowed to spend at most 1/3 of my credit card limit. Which is to be promptly paid off immediately following the shopping spree with the next paycheck.

Sounds reasonable, right?

Shopaholic Shawna

P.S. I didn't buy anything today. Yesterday I bought tickets for TBF and I to go to the aquarium ($18), but that isn't a material object so I obeyed my rules - yay! I bought those books mentioned above, too, but I spent around $8 for 14 books, so I'd say that's a steal. Doing much better already!

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